If you are a beekeeper with live colonies located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, please visit the VA Beecheck website to register your hives. VA Beecheck maintains a map of hive locations and communicates this with those who apply pesticides using aerial spraying.

Sign Up for a Class or Join the Guild by contacting:

BGES Secretary - beekeepersguildeasternshore@gmail.com


BGESVA.ORG Webmaster George T. Brown, Jr. - GTBrown@Wengert.com

FY 2024 Officers and Coordinators (1 July 2024 through 30 June 2025) 

Niall Finnegan - President

Kevin Willis - Vice President

Sandra Scher - Treasurer

Tia Bell - Secretary

Art Vancil - Social Media

Suzanne Omrod and David Schmidt - Mentorship Program Managers

(Volunteer Needed) - Programs Coordinator

©2025 bgesva.org - BGES Member Bylaws